Before we go into the following list of the the reasons why Yoga rocks and will make you a better human being, I have a few facts I would like to be clear on. Over the years I am so happy to see that Yoga has transcended a great deal of generalizations. We have come to realize the healing benefits of Yoga that go far beyond what we may look like in a pose. Although it may look really cool and a lot of practice was involved, turning your body into the shape of a pretzel will not make you a better human being. However, if you can take your Yoga pretzle off of the mat and do good things in the world then my theory proves correct! Good vibes are a natural side effect to Yoga!

1) You will begin to smile more and that will make the whole world smile with you.

2) You will become a more peaceful driver as you will learn to take deeper breaths when stuck in traffic.

3) You will be more inclined to allow the person in line behind you at the grocery store to go in front of you when they only have a few items and your cart is full.

4) You will change your diet and begin to make healthier choices. This doesn’t have to be anything drastic, but you will find that certain foods and Yoga don’t mix very well. You can figure that one out for yourself!

5) You will find a new appreciation for the natural world when you have the awareness to slow down and smell the roses.

6) You will begin to bond with your pets more. Trust me the minute you roll out your mat, all of the critters will climb on it regardless if you are trying to practice Yoga or not!

7) You will begin to have an appreciation of your health and what an amazing vehicle your body is to carry your soul around in!

8) You will be more open to new types of music and literature as you begin to expand your knowledge of this amazing practice.

9) Your tribe will expand as you meet new friends of all ages and walks of life. Yoga is for everyone!

10) You will learn more about yourself and how to open your beautiful heart and share it with the world!