We love to hear from our fans and invite them to be guest blog contributors. This OMazing perspective is shared with us by Matthew Harrison:

For the past 2 ½ years now I have been practicing a variety of yoga styles from Vinyasa, to Yin, to Budokon, and even Paddle Board Yoga and I have never felt so alive. Yoga has provided me with a full body, low impact, high intensity workout. It has allowed me to hone my mental focus, live mindfully, and push my body to the brink of its limits. The benefits of Yoga have gone far beyond just the physical aspect of health. It has cleared my mind of harmful thoughts and my body from harmful toxins. I must say by far the best part of my yoga journey has been the great friends that I have met along the way. The yoga community is filled with happy, conscious, and eco-friendly individuals. People who truly want to make a positive impact on the world. Most people say that it’s not cool for guys to do yoga. But what’s cooler than being able to balance on your hands, having unbelievable balance, and having a clear conscious throughout the day? And besides, it must be cool if Iron Man himself is doing it.

Yoga 1 Yoga 2

Matthew makes an excellent point, and he is not the only man that loves to do yoga. Join our “Yoga is For Boys too” campaign! There is a misconception that yoga is only for girls, but actually, there are many male role models who use yoga in their every day practice. In fact, Lebron James said that yoga is the key to his endurance. Adam Levine is quoted as saying “Maybe more than anything else, yoga teaches you to be still and calm under challenging circumstances.” Sting, Jason Mraz, Robert Downey Jr., Kevin Love, Derek Jeter, and many others practice yoga also.

If we can teach kids when they are young to breathe, do yoga, think positively, be kind, give gratitude, and live mindfully, then they will have more productive ways of dealing with emotions as they grow-up. These tools will become second nature and our little yogis will hopefully be more empathetic, less anxious and depressed, and more content, happy peace-loving teenagers and adults. The goal is to help kids live mindfully, be kind to one another, and stop random shootings so they can be safe at school and we can send them to the movies knowing they will be okay. We are replacing fear with love.

Wuf Shanti promotes health and wellness and happiness in children. Our target age is 5 to 9, although we have children as young as 1 year and as old as 15 who love to do yoga with Wuf. The trick is to teach the kids when they are young to Think Well to Be Well, Smile and the World Will Smile With You, and Smile and Say Thank You. With your help, we can make that happen by bringing Wuf Shanti into the homes of thousands of little children. You can help by donating, sharing and spreading the word, and getting your schools, hospitals, studios, organizations, and even corporations involved. We are all in this together.

Wuf Shanti, Wuf Peace, Wuf Namaste!! 🙂

Thank you Matthew!!