One of my first Yoga teachers used to always say that if you don’t start somewhere, then you are nowhere. Isn’t it funny how when we are asked what we did over the weekend by someone, say on monday morning, we cannot remember, but certain things just stay with us?

I think that it’s the starting from somewhere part that trips us up. How many times do we put off beginning a project because we are afraid that it will fail in the end? Perhaps we worry about the amount of time such a commitment would require. This comes from the queen of making grand plans and then after the fire goes out from underneath it, there goes another project up in smoke! It’s not a lack of ambition, but rather the continuous search for what we really want to do in our lives. How many of our endeavors have been plans hatched from other peoples minds and we have just been along for part of the ride? How often have you had an amazing idea that you shared with someone, only to find that they put it into action before you did? Sure, this can leave you feeling a bit empty, but we have no one else to blame but ourselves when this happens. Why? Because, although the idea may have been yours to begin with, just floating around in your mind, the person that went for it and created it into something tangible, simply had the courage that you lacked at that particular time.

Everyone needs to find some time in their life to really sit with themselves and ask the big questions, what do I really want? No, the question is not what does my family want, or my friends, or even my dog or cat, but me! For those of you that are concerned about what other people will think of you when you make the bold move to own your truth, get over that as soon as possible, it will only hinder your progress. Believe me, I know it is easier said than done to dance to your own drum beat, but it feels so good to do it!

Maybe you have a book, a song, a painting, a life changing invention inside of you just waiting to burst out into the world, if so, go for it! You honestly have nothing to lose by going for it. The people that truly love you will always truly love you. Any material good can be replaced. No, money does not grow on trees, but you can find a mindful way to manifest your dreams without breaking the bank. Keep your path clear of the speed bumps that keep you from living your best life and just go for it!
Wuf Namaste!