There is no better way to get your day started in a positive direction than hopping on your mat for a Yoga practice. You do not always need to invest the time and money to go to a Yoga studio or a gym to practice Yoga. You simply need to make a small commitment to yourself to hop on your mat for ten for fifteen minutes every morning and do a few rounds of sun salutations.
Wuf Shanti has several videos of Yoga poses being demonstrated all over the world! Each of the poses in the following sequence can be found right here on our website including exactly how to do the pose and why it is good for you! The following sequence is called a sun salutation and it not only honors the sun which brings us life, but it also honors our own light within that we radiate out into the world. This is a great practice to get your heart rate moving, to detox, and to increase circulation and joy. There are many different ways to practice sun salutations, this is just an example, and we invite you to look more deeply into the practice if it inspires you!
Sun Salutations by Wuf Shanti
Stand tall in mountain pose and take 3 long deep breaths to center yourself.
Inhale your arms over your head to the sky.
Exhale like a swan diving down and take a standing forward fold.
Inhale half-way up with a long spine (fingers on shins or a block)
Exhale into a full forward fold and place your palms on the floor.
Inhale step back into downward facing dog.
Exhale into plank pose (modify with knees down)
Hold plank pose for one more breath to build a little more internal heat.
Exhale slowly lower down to your belly.
Inhale into cobra pose or upward facing dog.
Exhale into downward facing dog.
Inhale to look forward between your hands.
Exhale to walk, lunge, or hop your feet between your hands.
Inhale half way up with a long spine.
Exhale into a full forward bend.
Inhale up into a reverse swan dive reaching the arms to the sky.
Exhale into mountain pose and take 3 deep breaths to center yourself.
You can repeat this sequence as many times as you like, however, make sure that you can keep a steady flow of breath. When you are not able to breathe with ease, that is your body telling you to slow down and rest. As with any type of physical activity please be mindful of your health and take care of yourself at all times. Always drink plenty of fresh water and eat a healthy diet to support your Yoga practice! Wuf Peace!