Adam Avin, teen mental health education advocate, discusses ways for teens to remain healthy, kind, and calm during the stress that they are facing in regards to the coronavirus.
Mental health education youth advocate, Adam Avin, interviews Diamond Howard and LaQueda Lewis of the Hanley Foundation about coping with drugs and addiction.
Adam Avin, teen creator of Wuf Shanti and the Mindful Kids Peace Summit, speaks with Laurie Rich-Levinson, of the Broward County School Board.
Gina Beigel of Stressed Teens speaks at the Mindful Kids Peace Summit
Adam, 14 year-old creator of Wuf Shanti, interviewed by Goop magazine about his early learning and teen wellness curriculums and the Mindful Kids Peace Summit.
Youth Yoga Education: Wuf Shanti & A Call to Action for Mindful Communication