The wind can blow in with a fast gust that takes the hat right off your head, leaving you slightly dishelved for a brief moment. Sometimes those winds are like a hurricane or tornado that literally carve out a piece of land where there is no other option than to start from scratch and rebuild. Often times the wind is nothing more than a soft breeze that gently sways the leaves of the trees.

The winds of change follow these same patterns. We are constantly shifting. There is not a single day, or even moment for that fact, in which we do not ride the winds of change. Minutes turn into hours, day turns into night, months turn into years, and seasons into seasons. As passengers on this journey through life, we experience changes similar to those of the wind. There are times in our life when there is gentle breeze carrying us, with little effort from day to day. From time to time a big gust of change will blow through that may leave us unsettled for a bit, yet we are able to ground back down with ease. And of course there are the storms of life that blow in and truly show us exactly how strong and capable we are. Often times we create these storms ourselves because something literally needs to shift in our lives so that we can grow. These winds of change have been known to bring in a shift that does not always feel welcome. Trust that everything has a purpose of some sort and that the answers will all come in time.

In life we must continue to trust the process. To live here in the present moment, even if that moment creates resistance. Trust that the winds of change will always blow you in the correct direction. You may need to hold on to your hat sometimes, and other times you may need to simply let go and trust. Either way you will be exactly where you should be when the gentle breeze sets back in.