Teen mental health education advocate Adam Avin, of Wuf Shanti and Mindful Kids Peace Summit, shares why it's ok to feel and express emotions and how it leads to a healthier life.
Adam Avin, teen creator of Wuf Shanti and the Mindful Kids Peace Summit, speaks with Heather Schwartz, from CASEL (the Collaborative for Academic, Social, Emotional Learning).
Adam Avin, teen creator of Wuf Shanti and the Mindful Kids Peace Summit, speaks with Dr. Bradley Nelson, of The Emotion Code.
Adam Avin, #teen creator of #WufShanti and the #MindfulKidsPeaceSummit, speaks with SFPBS #Health Channel All Health All The Time.
Wuf Shanti in Care for Your Mind-Sharing a Pathway to Inner Peace in a Stressful World
t is very important to create a dialogue with yourself when it comes to powerful emotions. Instead of acting out or suppressing what you are feeling, take a moment to analyze what is really happening.
When we slow down enough to really tune into our bodies we find that they tell us exactly what we need to do. Pay attention to the way your body feels in different circumstances and when you are feeling...