Wuf Shanti in the Huffington Post.
Cool article in awesome blog, Superfly Supermom!
Wuf Shanti talks about getting a good night's sleep.
This character is so important right now, with everything going on in the world, and we truly believe that the next generation is the key to making a positive difference in the world.
Wuf Shanti Visits Nicklaus Children’s Hospital
Wuf Shanti featured in the Miami Herald and Sun-Sentinel.
Wuf Shanti featured in the Sun Sentinel.
Wuf Shant is featured in the Miami Herald.
Wuf Shanti visits St. Jude Children's Hospital
Introducing Wuf Shanti, Dog character for kids, created by a kid, teaches mindfulness, yoga, meditation, peace, kindness, gratitude, and positivity. Learn about our early learning and teen curriculums, including the Mindful Kids Peace Summit.