Wuf Shanti videos are both educational and entertaining. We have 100+ videos [70+ one-minute short clips of Wuf Shanti traveling the world doing different yoga poses, meditation videos that teach mindfulness and balance, book readings, music videos with fun games and great songs to sing-along with, and of course, our Wuf Shanti TV Show episodes, which focus on positive thinking, gratitude, diversity, and kindness].

Our intentions with this character are: (1) to teach the next generation to live in peace and gratitude, spread kindness, alleviate stress, and deal with emotions in productive ways so they grow up to be happier loving content adults, (2) to help children learn to think positively on a daily basis because science has shown that yoga, meditation, and positive thinking can help the healing process, and (3) to reach the kids when they are young in an effort to heal our planet.

Our videos have been seen on local PBS stations http://www.southfloridapbs.org/wufshanti/, and can be accessed via our mindful mobile app, The Wuf Shanti Yoga Fun Machine, for free on both Apple and Android devices. Common Sense Media named Wuf Shanti’s Mobile App, the Yoga Fun Machine, one of the “Best Health Apps and Games for Kids,” and one of the “Best Meditation Apps for Kids.”

Iphone/Ipad: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/wuf-shanti-yoga-fun-machine/id1296345752?ls=1&mt=8

Android/Google Plus: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.wufshanti.yogafunmachine

We are also honored that the Children’s TV Network https://childrenstvnetwork.channelbrandnetworks.com/channel-details/wuf-shanti the in-house station at Children Hospitals across the country, are distributing our videos in their hospitals and internationally via Apple TV, Amazon Fire, XBox, and PlayStation.

All of our videos can also be found on KidoodleTV (a safe streaming service for kids), Adventure to Learning (in-school health and fitness programming in  25,000 schools), this website at the links below, as well as on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/c/WufShanti. Please subscribe to our Wuf Shanti YouTube channel. It is free to subscribe.

Thank you for joining our mission and sharing our intentions to make a positive difference in the world. Each video was made with love. We hope you enjoy them.

Wuf Shanti TV Show Episodes: https://wufshanti.com/wuf-shanti-tv-show/

Music Videos: https://wufshanti.com/songs/

Book Readings: https://wufshanti.com/book-readings/

Yoga Poses Videos: https://wufshanti.com/poses/

Meditation Videos: https://wufshanti.com/meditation/

Positive Words Videos: https://wufshanti.com/positive-words/

Animal Game Yoga Poses Videos: https://wufshanti.com/animal-games/

Mindful Moments Video Series with Stressed Teens: https://wufshanti.com/mindful-moments-video-series-stressed-teens-card-deck/

Mindful Kids Peace Summit PSAs: https://wufshanti.com/mindful-kids-peace-summit-2019-psas/

TEDxYouth Talk: https://wufshanti.com/tedxtalk/

Please join us by following us on social media, subscribing to our YouTube channel, downloading the app, and spreading the word.




Thank you for your support of our mission to make a difference in the world. In love and gratitude,

Wuf Shanti, Wuf Peace, Wuf Namaste`